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Jens Lykkegaard Olesen

Professor Jens Lykkegaard Olesen

Professor senior physician, Ph.D. Jens Lykkegaard Olesen is a specialist in rheumatology and internal medicine. He is a senior physician at the Center for General Medicine, Aalborg and is here the leader of the Patient-FAST group with a focus on research into overuse injuries in tendons and connective tissue.

ReumaNord is run by rheumatologist Jens Lykkegaard Olesen, who has extensive clinical experience in examining and treating all rheumatic diseases. He possesses high professional expertise in diagnostic and treatment-guided ultrasound examinations of muscles, joints, tendons and bones.


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Kongress i MSK Ultralyd i Oslo
Interessegruppen for ultralyd i Privat Praksis (UIPP)

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Adress: Apexklinikken Terapisenter.
Fyrstikkallèen 3 b, Helsfyr, 0661 Oslo Norway
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